pico]OS  1.0.4
Error Codes
User API: Pico Layer


#define E_OK   0
 No Error (the operation was successful)
#define E_FAIL   1
 The operation failed.
#define E_NOMEM   2
 The System ran out of memory.
#define E_ARG   3
 The given argument is wrong or inacceptable.
#define E_FORB   4
 The operation is forbidden at the current operation stage.
#define E_NOMORE   5
 For query operations: End of query (no more elements)
#define E_NOTFOUND   6
 The query operation was not successfull.

Detailed Description

Most pico]OS functions return a signed integer value describing the execution status of the function. Generally, a negative value denotes an error, zero means success (no error), and a positive value may be returned as result of a successful operation. To check if an operation was successful, you need only to test if the returned value is positiv ( status >= 0 ). For example, if you would like to test if a function failed because the system ran out of memory, you may test the status against the (negativ) value -E_NOMEM.